Fees are determined by the individual institution concerned. One year’s fees (or the total fee for courses of less than one year) must be paid before a visa will be issued or a permit extended if a further course is to be undertaken for students studying at tertiary level.
Fees must be paid in internationally acceptable, convertible currency. An institution may refund fees to a student who withdraws from a course. The refund must not exceed the difference between the total amount paid and the cost of the course up to the time of withdrawal.
Private training establishments must provided every prospective student with a written statement of the total course cost and other financial commitments associated with each course of study or training before accepting that student’s enrolment. Students enrolled for courses of study or training before accepting that student’s enrolment. Students enrolled for courses of study or training at a private training establishment may withdraw from the course at any time within seven days after the first day of the course and receive a partial fee refund.